Submissions from 2013
Making Civility Mandatory: Moving from Aspired to Required, David A. Grenardo
Turnover Actions and the “Floating Check” Controversy, David R. Hague
Powering the Tap Dry: Regulatory Alternatives for the Energy-Water Nexus, Amy Hardberger
World’s Worst Game of Telephone: Attempting to Understand the Conversation Between Texas’s Legislature and Courts on Groundwater, Amy Hardberger
What is the Matter with Antigone?, Emily A. Hartigan
Legal Malpractice in a Changing Profession: The Role of Contract Principles, Vincent R. Johnson
The CISG After a Generation (book review), Vincent R. Johnson
The Rule of Law in China and the Prosecution of Li Zhuang, Vincent R. Johnson and Stephen C. Loomis
The Barriers and Route to Texas School Finance Equity, Albert H. Kauffman
The Costs of Delay: Incompetent Criminal Defendants, Involuntary Antipsychotic Medications, and the Question of Who Decides, Dora W. Klein
The Price of Justice: An Analysis of the Costs that are Appropriately Considered in a Cost-based Vindication of Statutory Rights Defense to an Arbitration Agreement, Ramona L. Lampley
Economic Justice and the Internal Point of View, Adam J. MacLeod
Not What, but When is an Offer — Rehabilitating the Rolling Contract, Colin P. Marks
Confronting the Myth of State Court Class Action Abuses through an Understanding of Heuristics and a Plea for More Statistics, Patricia W. Moore
Border Wars & The New Texas Navy: International Treaties, Waterways, And State Sovereignty After Arizona v. United States, Bill Piatt and Rachel Ambler
Why is Property so Hard?, Chad J. Pomeroy
The Promise of Things to Come: Anticipatory Warrants in Texas, Gerald S. Reamey
The Co-Author Prenup, David A. Schlueter
The Military Justice Conundrum: Justice or Discipline?, David A. Schlueter
Prosecuting the Undead: Federal Criminal Law in a World of Zombies, Michael L. Smith
Search Engine Liability for Autocomplete Defamation: Combating the Power of Suggestion, Michael L. Smith
Second Amendment Challenges to Student Housing Firearms Bans: The Strength of the Home Analogy, Michael L. Smith
Submissions from 2012
Cyber Security and the Government/ Private Sector Connection, Jeffrey F. Addicott
Labeling Mexican Cartels as Terrorist Organizations, Jeffrey F. Addicott
Rightly Dividing the Domestic Jihadist from the Enemy Combatant in the “War Against Al-Qaeda” – Why it Matters in Rendition and Targeted Killings, Jeffrey F. Addicott
Resolving Disputed Elections through Negotiation, Rishi Batra
Restitution in Texas: Civil Liability for Unjust Enrichment, David A. Dittfurth
Consumer Bankruptcy Policy: Ability to Pay and Catholic Social Teaching, Richard E. Flint
Tales From the Abyss: What Does It Take To Get Disbarred These Days?, David A. Grenardo
What Every Guarantor Should Know About the One-Action Rule and Deficiency Actions, David R. Hague
Higher Education, Corruption, and Reform, Vincent R. Johnson
Judge Bernard S. Meyer: First Merit Appointee to the New York Court of Appeals, Vincent R. Johnson
On the Abuse and Limits of Lawyer Discipline, Vincent R. Johnson
Malpractice Liability Related to Foreign Outsourcing of Legal Services, Vincent R. Johnson and Stephen C. Loomis
The Mentally Disordered Criminal Defendant at the Supreme Court: A Decade in Review, Dora W. Klein
When Coercion Lacks Care: Competency to Make Medical Treatment Decisions and Parens Patriae Civil Commitments, Dora W. Klein
Leaving the FDA Behind: Pharmaceutical Outsourcing and Drug Safety, Chenglin Liu
The Irony of AT&T v. Concepcion, Colin P. Marks
An Updated Quantitative Study of Iqbal's Impact on 12(B)(6) Motions, Patricia W. Moore
Reinventing the Wheel: Constructing Ethical Approaches to State Indigent Legal Defense Systems, Bill Piatt
A Theoretical Case for Standardized Vesting Documents, Chad J. Pomeroy
The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit: A Selective Review and Analysis of the Panels' 2010-2011 Insurance-Law Opinions, Willy E. Rice
Perils and Pontifications: Reflections on the Failures and Joys of a Law Teacher, John W. Teeter Jr
Mexican Children of U.S. Citizens: “Viges Prin” and Other Tales of Challenges to Asserting Acquired U.S. Citizenship, Lee J. Teran
Submissions from 2011
A Judge in Full: Wallace Jefferson of Texas, Michael S. Ariens
Texas Annual Survey: Securities Regulation, George Lee Flint Jr
Take One Step Forward: Federal Courts Continue To Find That Volunteers Are Shielded From Retaliation Based On Protected Speech Under The First Amendment, David A. Grenardo
The Energy-Water Nexus in Texas, Amy Hardberger, Ashlynn Stillwell, Carey King, Michael Webber, and Ian Duncan
Credit-Monitoring Damages in Cybersecurity Tort Litigation, Vincent R. Johnson
Legal Malpractice Litigation and the Duty to Report Misconduct, Vincent R. Johnson
On Race, Gender, and Radical Tort Reform: A Review of Martha Chamallas & Jennifer B. Wriggins, The Measure of Injury: Race, Gender, and Tort Law, Vincent R. Johnson
The Rule of Law and Enforcement of Chinese Tort Law, Vincent R. Johnson
Malpractice Liability Related to Foreign Outsourcing of Legal Services, Vincent R. Johnson and STephen C. Loomis
False Security: How Courts Have Improperly Rendered the Protections of the Protective Order Illusory, Ramona L. Lampley
Is USDA Organic a Seal of Deceit: The Pitfalls of USDA Certified Organics Produced in the United States, China and Beyond, Chenglin Liu
Empathy's White Elephant: Responding to the Subprime Mortgage Crisis without Denigrating the Poor, Adam J. MacLeod
The Mystery of Life in the Laboratory of Democracy: Personal Autonomy in State Law, Adam J. MacLeod
Limited Partnership Status and the Imposition of Fiduciary Duties in Texas, Colin P. Marks
The Anticipation Misconception, Colin P. Marks
Cost Effective Legal Research, Mike Martinez Jr and Katy Stein
The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit: A Review of Selected 2009-2010 Insurance Decisions, Willy E. Rice
Empowering Special Education Clients through Gross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Lessons Learned for Current Clients and Future Professionals, Patricia E. Roberts and Kelly Whalon
Federal Rules Pending Public Comment, David A. Schlueter
Federal Rules Update: Rules Amended as of December 2010, David A. Schlueter
Submissions from 2010
American Punitive Damages vs. Compensatory Damages in Promoting Enforcement in Democratic Nations of Civil Judgments to Deter State-Sponsors of Terrorism, Jeffrey F. Addicott
Calls for National Identity Card to Halt Illegal Immigration, Jeffrey F. Addicott
Efficacy of the Obama Policies to Combat Al-Qa’eda, the Taliban, and Associated Forces—The First Year, Jeffrey F. Addicott
Texas Annual Survey: Securities Regulation, George Lee Flint Jr
Four Critical Tips for Taking Your First Witness, David A. Grenardo
Ten-Step Guide to Oral Argument for Junior Attorneys, David A. Grenardo
Just Talking with the Furniture, Emily A. Hartigan
L'OZ, Emily A. Hartigan
Education and Minorities in the Modern Era: Working Civil Rights into Practice, Policy and Procedure, Albert H. Kauffman
Rehabilitating Mental Disorder Evidence After Clark c. Arizona: Of Burdens, Presumptions, and the Rights to Raise Reasonable Doubt, Dora W. Klein
The Obstacles of Outsourcing Imported Food Safety To China, Chenglin Liu
“Save the Land from Uncle Sam”: Using Life Insurance Premium Financing in Estate Planning, Lee Lytton
A Non-Fatal Collision: Interpreting RLUIPA Where Religious Land Uses and Community Interests Meet, Adam J. MacLeod
The (Contingent) Value of Autonomy and the Reflexivity of (Some) Basic Goods, Adam J. MacLeod
Plato, THE PRINCE, and Corporate Virtue: Philosophical Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility, Colin P. Marks and Paul S. Miller
In Praise of Process: Examining the SEC, Rule 14a-8(i)(8), and AFSCME v. AIG, Jena Martin
The Tao of Pleading: Do Twombly and Iqbal Matter Empirically, Patricia W. Moore
Finding and Incorporating Spirituality in the Work of the Clinic, Ana M. Novoa
Catholicism and Constitutional Law: More Than Privacy in the Penumbras, Bill Piatt
Ending Surprise Liens on Real Property, Chad J. Pomeroy
Innovation or Renovation in Criminal Procedure: Is the World Moving Toward a New Model of Adjudication?, Gerald S. Reamey
Federal Rules Update: How Rules Are Made: A Brief Review, David A. Schlueter
Submissions from 2009
“Playing Chicken": An Instant History of the Battle over Exceptions to Client Confidentiality, Michael S. Ariens
The Texas Supreme Court and Oil and Gas Jurisprudence: What Hath Wagner & Brown v. Sheppard Wrought?, Laura H. Burney
Texas Annual Survey: Securities Regulation, George Lee Flint Jr
Managing the Risks of CO2 Sequestration, Amy Hardberger
International Legal Protection of Trademarks in China, Robert H. Hu
Protecting Intellectual Property in China: A Selective Bibliography and Resource for Research, Robert H. Hu
The Boundary-Line Fuction of the Economic Loss Rule, Vincent R. Johnson
Judge Wayne Justice: A Life of Human Dignity and Refractory Mules, Albert H. Kauffman
The Texas School Finance Litigation Saga: Great Progress, then Near Death by a Thousand Cuts, Albert H. Kauffman
Unreasonable: Involuntary Medications, Incompetent Criminal Defendants, and the Fourth Amendment, Dora W. Klein