Submissions from 2009
The Texas Supreme Court and Oil and Gas Jurisprudence: What Hath Wagner & Brown v. Sheppard Wrought?, Laura H. Burney
Texas Annual Survey: Securities Regulation, George Lee Flint Jr
Managing the Risks of CO2 Sequestration, Amy Hardberger
International Legal Protection of Trademarks in China, Robert H. Hu
Protecting Intellectual Property in China: A Selective Bibliography and Resource for Research, Robert H. Hu
The Boundary-Line Fuction of the Economic Loss Rule, Vincent R. Johnson
Judge Wayne Justice: A Life of Human Dignity and Refractory Mules, Albert H. Kauffman
The Texas School Finance Litigation Saga: Great Progress, then Near Death by a Thousand Cuts, Albert H. Kauffman
Unreasonable: Involuntary Medications, Incompetent Criminal Defendants, and the Fourth Amendment, Dora W. Klein
In Memoriam: The Honorable Judge Philip S. Figa (1951-2008), Ramona L. Lampley
Is Arbitration Under Attack?: Exploring the Recent Judicial Skepticism of the Class Arbitration Waiver and Innovative Solutions to the Unsettled Legal Landscape, Ramona L. Lampley
Profits Above the Law: China’s Melamine Tainted Milk Incident, Chenglin Liu
Jiminy Cricket for the Corporation: Understanding the Corporate 'Conscience', Colin P. Marks
The Corporate Lawyer's Role in a Contemporary Democracy, Colin P. Marks and Nancy B. Rapoport
The Effect of Tort Reform on Tort Case Filings, Patricia W. Moore
Gender Segregation In The Public Schools; Opportunity, Inequality, Or Both?, Bill Piatt
The Court of Appeals For The Fifth Circuit: A Review of 2007-2008 Insurance Decisions, Willy E. Rice
Matrimonial Consent in Canon Law Juridical Aspects, Roberto Rosas
New Legal Rights in the Legal System of the United States of America, Roberto Rosas and Bill Piatt
Federal Rules Update: Amendments to the Federal Rules of Procedure and Evidence, David A. Schlueter
Federal Rules Update: Technology-Related Rules, David A. Schlueter
Submissions from 2008
The Political Question Doctrine and Civil Liability for Contracting Companies on the “Battlefield”, Jeffrey F. Addicott
The Protect America Act of 2007: A Framework for Improving Intelligence Collection in the War on Terror, Jeffrey F. Addicott and Michael T. McCaul
American Legal Ethics in an Age of Anxiety, Michael S. Ariens
What Hath Faith Wrought? (book review), Michael S. Ariens
Texas Annual Survey: Securities Regulation, George Lee Flint Jr
From Policy to Reality: Maximizing Urban Water Conservation in Texas, Amy Hardberger
Panel: Ethics-Based Decision-Making in Societal Water Management, Amy Hardberger
Why We Do the Things We Do? The Role of Ethics in Water Resource Planning, Amy Hardberger
When Borders Cross People: Whose [Who’s] Poor, or The Spirit of Immigration, Emily A. Hartigan
Corruption in Education: A Global Legal Challenge, Vincent R. Johnson
Data Security and Tort Liability, Vincent R. Johnson
Autonomy and Acute Psychosis: When Choices Collide, Dora W. Klein
A Tribute to Ernest A. Raba, Dean (1946 – 1978), St. Mary’s University School of Law, Aloysius A. Leopold
The Chinese Takings Law from a Comparative Perspective, Chenglin Liu
A Gift Worth Dying For?: Debating the Volitional Nature of Suicide in the Law of Personal Property, Adam J. MacLeod
All for One: A Review of Victim-Centric Justifications for Criminal Punishment, Adam J. MacLeod
The Law as Bard: Extolling a Culture's Virtues, Exposing Its Vices, and Telling Its Story, Adam J. MacLeod
Updated Lessons in Conducting Basics Legal Research by Pro Se Litigants Who Cannot Afford an Attorney, Mike Martinez Jr, Michael P. Forrest, and Paul S. Miller
Immigration Reform from the Outside In, Bill Piatt
The Glass Half-Full: A Rational/Radical Approach to Immigration Reform, Bill Piatt
Loose Lips Sink Attorney-Client Ships: Unintended Technological Disclosure Of Confidential Communications, Bill Piatt and Paula DeWitte
Henry F. Johnson, Professor of Law (1981-2008), St. Mary’s University School of Law, Bonita K. Roberts
Criminal Rules Amendments Effective as of December 2007, David A. Schlueter
Federal Rules Update: How Rules Are Made: A Brief Review, David A. Schlueter
Submissions from 2007
The Storm Between the Quiet: Tumult in the Texas Supreme Court, 1911-21, Michael S. Ariens
State Practice in the Management and Allocation of Transboundary Groundwater Resources in North America, Gabriel Eckstein and Amy Hardberger
Texas Annual Survey: Securities Regulation, George Lee Flint Jr
The Evolving Standard for the Granting of Mandamus Relief in the Texas Supreme Court: One More Mile Marker down the Road of No Return, Richard E. Flint
Comment: The Ninth Amendment: A Constitutional Challenge to Corporal Punishment in Public Schools, David R. Hague
Pilgrim to Nowhere - The Mysterious Journey of Robert Rodes, Emily A. Hartigan
Unlaw, Emily A. Hartigan
Standardized Tests, Erroneous Scores, and Tort Liability, Vincent R. Johnson
Categorical Exclusions from Capital Punishment: How Many Wrongs Make A Right?, Dora W. Klein
Thompson/McNulty Memo Internal Investigations: Ethical Concerns of the Deputized Counsel, Colin P. Marks
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly - A New Way of Looking at the Intercountry Adoption Debate, Jena Martin
Threading the Eye of the ERISA Needle: ERISA Preemption and Alternative Legal Schemes to Fill the Regulatory Vacuum,, Bernard D. Reams Jr. and Michael P. Forrest
The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit: A Legal Analysis and Statistical Review of 2005-2006 Insurance Decisions, Willy E. Rice
Federal Rules Update: How Rules Are Made: A Brief Review, David A. Schlueter
Urban Law School Graduates in Large Law Firms, David Wilkins, Ronit Dinovitzer, and Rishi Batra
Submissions from 2006
Terrorism Law, Jeffrey F. Addicott
The Abu Ghraib Story, Jeffrey F. Addicott
The Misuse of Religion in the Global War on Terrorism, Jeffrey F. Addicott
The Practice of Rendition in the War on Terror, Jeffrey F. Addicott
Texas Annual Survey: Securities Regulation, George Lee Flint Jr
Whose Job Is It Anyway?: Governmental Obligations Created by the Human Right to Water, Amy Hardberger
Engaged Surrender in the Void: Post-Secularist "Human" Rights Discourse and Muslim Feminists [sic], Emily A. Hartigan
Americans Abroad: International Educational Programs and Tort Liability, Vincent R. Johnson
Chinese Law on SARS by Chenglin Liu (book review), Vincent R. Johnson
Regulating Lobbyists: Law, Ethics, and Public Policy, Vincent R. Johnson
Tribute, Rehnquist, Innsbruck, and St. Mary’s University, Vincent R. Johnson
The Tort Duty of Parents to Protect Minor Children, Vincent R. Johnson and Claire G. Hargrove
Chinese Law and Legal Research (book review), Chenglin Liu
Corporate Investigations, Attorney-Client Privilege, and Selective Waiver: Is a Half-Privilege Worth Having at All?, Colin P. Marks
The Limits of Limiting Liability in the Battle of the Forms: U.C.C. Section 2-207 and the “Material Alteration” Inquiry, Colin P. Marks
Too Broke to Hire an Attorney - How to Conduct Basic Legal Research in a Law Library, Mike Martinez Jr and Michael P. Forrest
Life in the Early Days of Lawyer Advertising: Personal Recollections of a Bates Baby, Gerald S. Reamey
The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit 2004-2005 Disposition of Insurance Decisions: A Survey and Statistical Review, Willy E. Rice
Comparative Study of the Formation of Electronic Contracts in American Law with References to International Law, Roberto Rosas
Comparative Study of the Formation of Electronic Contracts in American Law with References to International Law, Roberto Rosas
Criminal Procedure Rules Pending Public Comment, David A. Schlueter
Federal Rules Update: How Rules Are Made: A Brief Review, David A. Schlueter
The Law of Mediation in Texas, L. Wayne Scott
Eastern Visions, Western Voices: A Sermon on Love in the Valley of Law, John W. Teeter Jr
Submissions from 2005
Military Justice at Abu Ghraib, Jeffrey F. Addicott
The Ethics of Copyrighting Ethics Rules, Michael S. Ariens
Fattening Foods: Under Products Liability Litigation is the Big Mac Defective?, Charles E. Cantú
ERISA: Fumbling the Limitations Period, George Lee Flint Jr
Texas Annual Survey: Securities Regulation, George Lee Flint Jr
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Water: Evaluating Water as a Human Right and the Duties and Obligations it Creates, Amy Hardberger
Law Fragments, Emily A. Hartigan
Cybersecurity, Identity Theft, and the Limits of Tort Liability, Vincent R. Johnson
Ethics in Government at the Local Level, Vincent R. Johnson
Justice Tom C. Clark’s Legacy in the Field of Legal Ethics, Vincent R. Johnson
Fighting Epidemics with Information and Laws: The Case of SARS in China (book review), Vincent R. Johnson and Brian T. Bagley
Curiouser and Curiouser: Involuntary Medications and Incompetent Criminal Defendants After Sell v. United States, Dora W. Klein
Informal Rules, Transaction Costs, and The Failure of the “Takings” Law in China, Chenglin Liu
Regulating SARS in China: Law as an Antidote?, Chenglin Liu