About | St. Mary's Law Journal | St. Mary's Law Journals | St. Mary's University

St. Mary's Law Journal



Founded in 1969, the St. Mary’s Law Journal has enjoyed an exceptional past. Built on a “practitioner’s journal” platform, the Journal has contributed immensely to the legal community both in the State of Texas and on a national level. From the very first article printed to those we publish today, the St. Mary’s Law Journal has endeavored to provide members of the bench and bar timely, relevant scholarship.

Since the Journal’s inception, over 1,400 St. Mary’s law students have dedicated thousands of hours to the Journal as staff writers, associate editors, or members of the editorial board. In contributing to the St. Mary’s Law Journal, these students have engaged in challenging research, writing, and editorial projects which immeasurably add to their depth as future attorneys, judges, professors, and members of the political and business communities.

Martin D. Beirne, the inaugural Editor in Chief for the St. Mary’s Law Journal, has recounted the origin of the Journal in his Remark: My How You’ve Grown: The St. Mary’s Law Journal Turns Forty. Access Mr. Beirne’s Remark (PDF).


View the St Mary’s Law Journal Bylaws.

Members of the St. Mary’s Law Journal, including staff writers and board members, may not be active members of any other law journal on campus during the same academic year. Please direct questions regarding membership to the Editor in Chief.