Submissions from 2024
Finding the Performance: Script Analysis and the Read Aloud Experience, Katherine Thonen
Submissions from 2018
The Language of Protest: Acts of Performance, Identity and Legitimation, Mary Lynne Gasaway - Hill
Submissions from 2017
CSRDE 2017 Roundtable - Grad Degree Completion.pdf, Anne Edmunds Aguirre
Submissions from 2016
"A Date Which Will Live in Infamy": College newspaper reporting of U.S. Entry into WWII, Jill Crane and Marcella Lesher
From Print to Digital and Back Again: Using the Campus Newspaper to Explore Historical Events and Academic Culture, Jill Crane and Marcella Lesher
Submissions from 2014
Community Leaders Negotiate a Framework for their Archival Collection, Diane Duesterhoeft
No lo tires! Don't Throw it Away! Texas Latino Archives Shaping their own Narrative: Community Leaders Negotiate a Framework for their Archival Collection, Diane Duesterhoeft
Digital Diagramming: Adapting a Tried and True Pedagogy to a Digital Environment, Mary Lynne Gasaway - Hill
Submissions from 2005
The Relationship Between Candidate Sex and Pronoun Usage in a Louisiana Governor's Race, Mary Lynne Gasaway - Hill
Submissions from 2003
Portals to the Past, Diane Duesterhoeft and Trish Keogh
Submissions from 2000
In the Trenches: Transferring User Skills From School to College and Beyond, Diane Duesterhoeft
Submissions from 1998
Citation Analysis as an Unobtrusive Method for Journal Collection Evaluation Using Psychology Student Research Bibliographies, Margaret Sylvia
Submissions from 1996
Psychology and Counseling Library Research Guide, Margaret Sylvia
Remotely Possible? Simple Remote Access to the Network, Margaret Sylvia
Rosalind Elsie Franklin (1920-1958) Biologist, Margaret Sylvia
Rosalyn Sussman Yalow (1921-) Endocrinologist, Medical Physicist, Margaret Sylvia
Too Many Concerns? Paper or Online, Local or Remote, Full Text or Index, Margaret Sylvia
Submissions from 1995
Upgrading a CD-ROM Network for Multimedia Applications, Margaret Sylvia
What Journals Do Psychology Graduate Students Need?, Margaret Sylvia
Submissions from 1993
Building a Gateway for the CD-ROM Network: A Step Toward the Virtual Library with the Virtual Microsystems V-Server, Margaret Sylvia
Networking Your CD-ROMs: A Texas Tale, Margaret Sylvia
Submissions from 1992
Collection Development Policy: Academic Library, St. Mary's University, Margaret Sylvia
Submissions from 1991
The Dynix Acquisitions Module Evaluated in an Academic Library, Margaret Sylvia
Searching on CD-ROM in an Academic Environment, Margaret Sylvia and Leigh Kilman