


Dieckow, Kensley; Davila, Linda

Semester completed

Spring 2024

Summary of Interview

In the oral history interview of Linda Davila, she reflects on her involvement with COPS, starting from its early days in 1974 when the organization tackled issues like flooding, to her recent efforts, as a leader from St. Timothy Parish, in advocating for affordable housing. Linda discusses the importance of community listening sessions and the role personal stories played in her passion for social justice. Despite changes in community support and expansion of COPS / Metro's reach across San Antonio, the organization remains dedicated to listening to community needs and relationship building. Looking ahead, Linda sees COPS / Metro continuing to develop new leaders and expanding its institutional memberships in San Antonio.

Interviewee Biography

Linda Davila is a COPS / Metro (Communities Organized for Public Service) Leader from St. Timothy Parish on San Antonio’s West Side. Linda’s COPS journey started when she was only in high school, with one of the original COPS institutions in 1974. As she went on to college and started a family of her own, she became less actively involved in the organization. It wasn’t until 10-12 years ago, that she rejoined COPS / Metro as a Pastoral Chair at St. Timothy Parish. She continued her work as Housing Co-Chair and leader for COPS / Metro.

Interview Index

00:27 COPS / Metro Early Involvement and Flooding

02:24 St. Timothy Parish and Affordable Housing

06:16 Community Involvement and Relationship Building

12:30 The Future of COPS / Metro

LCSH Subject Headings

Social justice; Oral history

Length of Interview

6 pages; 13 mins, 27 secs



Document Type

