


Chen, Qiuying (Kitty); Mendonza, Steve

Semester completed

Spring 2024

Summary of Interview

In his interview, Steve Mendoza reflected on the history of redlining and resource inequality in San Antonio and the impact it’s had on the neighborhoods COPS/Metro serves. He also discusses demographic changes within the COPS/Metro organization. He prides himself on the success of COPS/Metro’s Project Quest education program that has benefited the people living on the Westside. Looking to the future, Steve hopes COPS/Metro develops more programs for the changing needs and demographics of San Antonio.

Interviewee Biography

Steve Mendoza is an active COPS/Metro leader, he has been in the organization since day one. Steve joined COPS when he was still a high school student. As he went on with his life, he became a member of a parish in a suburban area where the White population dominated. Steve has witnessed and been through racial tension in San Antonio all along.

Interview Index

0:01 Role and Involvement in COPS/Metro

2:35 Demographics within COPS/Metro

3:52 Racial Climate within San Antonio

5:54 Vision for COPS/Metro in the Future

LCSH Subject Headings

Social justice; Oral history

Length of Interview

8 pages; 9 mins, 3 secs of audio



Document Type

