The Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice

St. Mary’s Law Review on Race & Social Justice seeks to speak on behalf of minorities by reaching out to the larger community, to inform them, to share with them, to educate them, and to grow with them. The goal of The Scholar is to give all minorities a “voice” in the publication of a legal journal on issues affecting all minorities.

Current Issue: Volume 26, Issue 2


Legally Sanctioned Takings of Black Children: How Slavery Reverberates in the Modern Child Welfare System, by Abigail Mitchell

Abortion Access: A Strain on the Most Vulnerable Women in Texas Post-Dobbs (Comment), by Aleea Costilla

Home for Good: How the Opt-In Element Added to HB 547 Negatively Impacts Low-Income Homeschool Children in Texas (Comment), by Nadine Cox

Please pardon our dust as we migrate previous issues of The Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice to this new website. If you need prior issues, please visit https://heinonline-org.skell.idm.oclc.org/HOL/Index?index=journals/schom&collection=journals

Current Issue: Volume 26, Number 2 (2024)

