Martina Flores Guillen - 2023
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Digital Publisher
Digital Commons at St. Mary's University
Higher Education
Sentencing Reform Act (SRA), Geographical reference to southern and western states, Gender impact on SRA
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
McNair Scholars Symposium
Making a distinguishing line between individuals and how the law maintains it emphasizes a cognitive ideal of a preferable outcome in the Justice system. Polarizing appeals to the exterior and inner concept of the method that the Criminal System should genuinely implement. The primary idea that the Criminal Justice system in the U.S. targets it also depends on the location where offenses are committed and go based on the gender of the suspect. Earliest as the 1980s, it has been proven that the total average exonerating cases of individuals, most surrounding minority groups, that were wrongfully convicted under the U.S. judicial branch, 27,200+ of those cases were proven to have been misled. Addressing implementations of extraordinary progressive sentencing guidelines has depicted that more than half of the population cannot maintain blame for nonresponding policies that keep oppressing and neglecting both male and female groups. Utilizing sources of two distinct sides of the U.S. that depict relatively high or low rates from 1984 - 2023. A comparative response was obtained throughout Southern and Western sources' incarceration and prison population rates. The Southern side depicts an increase in incarceration and population even when utilizing sentencing guidelines under the SRA, deferring from the Western side of the U.S., depicting a lower incarceration and population outcome when following an SRA guideline across prison facilities. Men and women could be affected differently by the system under the SRA policies that depend on the location that the Sentencing Reform Act has had over the decades upon the system, which was inferred after obtaining the information.
Digital Commons at St. Mary's University
San Antonio, Texas