Journal Title

Law Library Journal





First Page


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Publication Information



A significant portion of the law of the United States is currently embodied in, formed by, or effectuated through the rules, regulations, programs, and policies of governmental agencies. Early legal decisions on economic stability issues were made by administrative bureaus, boards and commissions, and many were rarely reviewed by courts, reported in newspapers or examined by scholars. Most administrators’ decision were made informally, undramatically, in the deep recesses of their bureaus. Many of their records rested unrecognized and poorly indexed in official government documents or in the National Archives.

For researchers attempting to bring together the materials involved in legislating and implementing of rules governing federal price and wage controls, it is important to understand the elusive nature of early official sources. In the same instance there is a desire by legal researchers to rely on the experience of the past in formulating the direction of the future. Those responsible for law making and for analyzing the legal issues of economic controls must refer to past activities in the price and wage area in trying to determine which paths future controls should take. Therefore, it is helpful to the researcher of wage and price controls to have an overview and bibliographic history of the literature and laws involved in this regulatory aspect of American economy.

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Law Commons



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