EdUp Legal Podcast, Episode 27: Conversation with Dr. Chad Christensen

EdUp Legal Podcast, Episode 27: Conversation with Dr. Chad Christensen



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EdUp Legal Podcast with Host Patty Roberts

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Digital Commons at St. Mary's University


In this episode, we hear from Dr. Chad Christensen, Project Manager for the Law School Survey of Student Engagement (LSSSE) at Indiana University Bloomington, who develops and implements strategic initiatives to expand LSSSE's impact at law schools and on legal education. Dr. Christensen shares the longitudinal data from the approximately 186 different law schools and more than 400,000 law students since LSSSE's inception in 2004, and describes the usefulness to law schools that choose to participate in the annual survey process. In addition to publicly releasing aggregate results on an annual basis, Dr. Christensen and his LSSSE colleagues collaborate with law schools seeking to interpret and analyze their own survey results and provide consulting services to schools seeking to maximize the law student experience. This podcast is particularly timely as the recent results of LSSSE explore the impact of the COVID crisis on legal education, providing deeply disturbing findings from the 13,000 responding law students at more than 60 law schools. Responding students reported concerns about meeting basic needs like adequate food and paying their bills, as well as increased depression, anxiety, and mental and physical exhaustion, with significant disparities among different races and gender. Dr. Christensen digs into these heartbreaking results but also notes that students reported positive interactions with classmates and professors, despite the alternative delivery models for legal education required by the pandemic. Dr. Christensen shares how future iterations for LSSSE can further influence the evolution of legal education and provide increased insight into the law student experience.


Law | Legal Education


EdUp Legal, podcast, Dean Patty Roberts, St. Mary's University School of Law, legal education, legal scholarship, law professor, Dr. Chad Christensen, Law School Survey of Student Engagement, LSSSE, Indiana University Bloomington, strategic initiatives, longitudinal data, consulting services, COVID-19, legal education crisis, basic needs, increased depression, anxiety, mental exhaustion, physical exhaustion, racial disparities, gender disparities, alternative delivery models, pandemic


School of Law Scholarship



Accession Date

October 2023



EdUp Legal Podcast, Episode 27: Conversation with Dr. Chad Christensen
