"2023-V55 (3)-March BOT Minutes - Strategy Session" by Dianne Pipes, Chief of Staff and Communications and St. Mary's University

Publication Date

Spring 3-2-2024

Digital Publisher

Digital Commons at St. Mary's University


Board of Trustees' Minutes - 2023



Date accessioned


Time period covered

Thursday, March 30, 2023


Lynda Ellis (Chair of the Board) Rev. Oscar VasquezS.M., (Chancellor); Tom Mengler (President); John Vaught (Vice Chair of the Board); Brother Tom Giardino S.M.( Vice Chair of the Board, and Chair of the Student Development Committee ); Leland Blank Ph.D. ( P.E., Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee); The Hon. Sandee Marion (Chair of the Advancement Committee); Brother Bernie Ploeger S.M. (Chair of the Audit and Ethics Committee); Sara Dysart (Chair of the Board Development Committee); Brother Jesse O’Neill S.M. (Chair of the Catholic and Marianist Identity Committee); Ray Berend (Chair of the Finance Committee); David Herrmann (Chair of the Investment Committee); Doug Bineham; Brother Edward Brink, S.M.; Leti Contreras ; Joseph Diaz, M.D.; Rev. Jim Fitz, S.M.; Brother Francisco González, S.M., M.D.; Sandra Nannini; Ellen Manzullo, M.D.; Joseph Ojile, M.D; Steven M. Peña Sr.; Katherine Resteiner; Steven M. Peña Sr., LL.M; Mary Stich, J.D.; Joe Louis Vela Jr.; Yava Scott

Size or Duration

4 pages

Document Type

