The President’s Peace Commission existed from 1984 to 2013 at St. Mary's University. The Commission fostered an ethical commitment to participate in the establishment of world peace and social justice. It encouraged respect for human rights and dignity of all people. The Commission annually hosted symposia that offered opportunities for students, faculty and staff to grow in their active pursuit of peace and justice.

Through the symposia and other activities, the Commission sought to build within the St. Mary’s University community a greater awareness of the Roman Catholic and Marianist perspectives on peace and justice. The President’s Peace Commission reflected the University community through student, staff, and faculty representatives appointed by the University President.

The President’s Peace Commission was established in December 1984 at the urging of faculty who felt a need for peace education in response to East-West tensions, especially nuclear war. Guided by the Judeo-Christian, Catholic stance on war, the Faculty Senate proposed that the University President establish a Peace Commission.

Multi-day symposia were held one or more times per academic year. Each year, several thousand students, staff, faculty, and community members attended the President’s Peace Commission programs. Videos documenting these sessions are available for viewing in the Louis J. Blume Library.

The Art of Peace Award Presentation Ceremony was held each spring between 1999 to 2013. Each awardee was a regional artist in any medium, whose life work has promoted peace, justice, and understanding.

A subject guide has been created for this collection and can be located at President's Peace Commission Guide


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President's Peace Commission - Programs

President's Peace Commission - Videos