Jacob Rodriguez - 2023
Publication Date
Digital Publisher
Digital Commons at St. Mary's University
Higher Education | Music | Musicology
Musicology; Backburner Tuba-Euphonium Collective; Oral histories
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
McNair Scholars Symposium
This research aims to provide analytical review that explains the history and prospects of the Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble with its repertoire, investigate the production, the recorded works, and composers for the Backburner Tuba-Euphonium Collective’s debut album: “A Little Monster Music,” while also discussing the biography and objective of the Backburner Tuba-Euphonium Collective. This paper includes the oral and written history behind the Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble and the Backburner Tuba-Euphonium Collective; this paper provides two oral interviews with two professional Tuba-Euphonium players, named Dr. Clayton Maddox and Dr. Matthew Mireles. In these interviews, both Dr. Maddox and Dr. Mireles share their biography while also reviewing the general condition of Tuba-Euphonium ensembles and their motivations for Backburner. The approach to researching this topic involved an examination of all the recorded works and composers for the repertoire of the Backburner Tuba-Euphonium Collective, and then it was also required to collect the biographical data behind Backburner. After collecting data, it was instructed to communicate an analysis of the recorded works that are in the Backburner’s debut album: “A Little Monster Music.” This interpretation is also referred to as creating “liner notes,” which essentially illustrate a listener’s perspective of the portrayal and pervading theme or character of the piece. The contention for the reader was to explain why documenting the history and momentum of Tuba-Euphonium Ensembles is crucial to the continuity and respect for the instruments, while also inspiring a consensus to understanding and listening to the recorded works for Tuba-Euphonium Ensembles and Backburner.