Gold & Blue
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Thomas M. Mengler, J.D. (President); Dianne Pipes, M.P.A. (Chief of Staff and Communications); Gina Farrell, M.P.A. (Executive Editor); Andrew Festa (Editor); Jennifer R. Lloyd, M.B.A. (Editor); Candace Kuebker, B.A. (Class Notes Editor); Kristen Cadena (Graphic Designer); Emily Harris (Graphic Designer); Claudio Bader (Photographer); Anndria Flores, B.A., M.A. (Photographer); Stacy Goldberg (Photographer); Josh Huskin (Photographer); Robin Jerstad (Photographer); Sarah Brooke Lyons (Photographer); Antonio Morano (Photographer); L’Osservatore Romano (Photographer); Bill Sallans (Photographer).
Publication Date
Summer 2017
Digital Publisher
Digital Commons at St Mary's University
This is the Summer 2017 edition of Gold & Blue which is St. Mary's University's official school publication.
Higher Education
St. Mary’s University, Greehey School of Business, School of Law, School of Science, Engineering and Technology, Civic Engagement and Career Development Center, Innovation Center, Barrett Memorial Bell Tower, Marianist Leadership Program, Career and Professional Development Center, Office of University Communications, St. Mary’s Athletics, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, VelocityTX, Holy Rosary Church, St. Mary’s ROTC, Thomas M. Mengler, Mona Mengler, Gina Farrell, Jennifer R. Lloyd, Dianne Pipes, Daniel Paniagua, Patricia Roberts, Stuart Parker, Lila Cockrell, Rosemary Kowalski, Tanuja Singh, Lynda Ellis, Colette Daubner, Kelly Morales, Eusebio “E.J.” Tamez, Luis Tamez, Paul Saenz, Sylvia Villarreal, Todd Hanneken, Timothy Raabe, Joseph Diaz, Rafael Moras, Michael Galligan-Stierle, Jillian Pierucci, Tanuja Singh, Paula Gold-Williams, Mathew Joseph, Coll Bramblett, Mary Anne Bramblett, Teresa Van Hoy, Servant leadership, cybersecurity, community service, law education, forensic science, Catholic education, esports, business ethics, student-athletes, biomedical research, diversity and inclusion, social justice, mentoring, environmental sustainability, pre-med programs, peer mentorship, legal aid, interdisciplinary studies, international business, scholarship funding, public service, advocacy, mental health, ROTC commissioning, philanthropy, career development, veterans support.
Gold and Blue
30 Pages
San Antonio
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.