Gold & Blue
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Thomas M. Mengler, J.D. (President); Dianne Pipes, M.P.A. (Chief of Staff and Communications); Gina Farrell, M.P.A. (Executive Editor); Andrew Festa (Assistant Editor); Candace Kuebker, B.A. (Contributing Editor); Kim Kennedy, M.B.A. (Art Director); Kristen Cadena (Graphic Designer); Brad Howell (Photographer); Ryan Heffernan (Photographer); Josh Huskin (Photographer); Robin Jerstad (Photographer); Sarah Brooke Lyons (Photographer); Antonio Morano (Photographer); Caroline Petters (Photographer); Office of Advancement Services (Contributor).
Publication Date
Spring 2015
Digital Publisher
Digital Commons at St Mary's University
This is the Spring 2015 edition of Gold & Blue which is St. Mary's University's official school publication.
Higher Education
St. Mary’s University, Greehey School of Business, School of Law, School of Science, Engineering and Technology, Civic Engagement and Career Development Center, Innovation Center, Barrett Memorial Bell Tower, Marianist Leadership Program, Career and Professional Development Center, Office of University Communications, National Institutes of Health (NIH), St. Mary’s Athletics, STRIVE Career Center, Family Life Center, Center for Catholic Studies, Blume Library, Thomas M. Mengler, Mona Mengler, Gina Farrell, Jennifer R. Lloyd, Dianne Pipes, Patricia Roberts, Leticia Contreras, Tom Contreras, William Buhrman, James Greenaway, Christine Gray, Colin Marks, Larry Hufford, Melissa Karlin, Colette Daubner, Mauro Rodriguez, Ricardo Lozano, Malak Abouhenidi, Amy Hardberger, Justin Quiroz, Trinidad Agosto, Brother Dennis Bautista, Henry McLeish, Marisa Aragon, Alicia Grant, Stephen Bachran, Bianca Frisaura, Stephanie De Sola, Willie Ng, Anamaria Suescun-Fast, Thelma Duffy, Servant leadership, cybersecurity, community service, law education, Catholic education, mental health, student-athletes, biomedical research, diversity and inclusion, social justice, esports, career development, mentorship, environmental science, scholarship funding, public service, water rights, Alzheimer’s support, Marianist vocations, religious life, forensic science, global affairs, humanitarian work, crisis management, law student advocacy, water accessibility, emotional intelligence in business, energy law, international relations, historical preservation, veteran support, sustainable development.
Gold and Blue
30 Pages
San Antonio
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.