Gold & Blue
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Thomas M. Mengler, J.D. (President); Dianne Pipes, M.P.A. (Chief of Staff and Communications); Jennifer R. Lloyd, M.B.A. (Executive Editor); Gina Farrell, M.P.A. (Editor); Candace Kuebker, B.A. (Class Notes Editor); Emily Harris (Art Director); Samantha Skory (Graphic Designer); Anndria Flores, B.A., M.A. (Graphic Designer); Frank Garza (Graphic Designer); Nikki Harris (Graphic Designer); Darren Shiverdecker (Photographer); Melanie Skaggs, M.A. (Photographer); The Hon. Catherine Stone, J.D. (Photographer); Darren Abate (Photographer); Jill Broussard (Photographer); Frank Garza (Photographer); Vincent Gonzalez (Photographer); Josh Huskin (Photographer); Robin Jerstad (Photographer); Cindy Kelleher (Photographer); Sarah Brooke Lyons (Photographer); Antonio Morano (Photographer); Brian Mullins (Photographer); Kristel Puente (Photographer)
Publication Date
Spring 2019
Digital Publisher
Digital Commons at St Mary's University
This is the Spring 2019 edition of Gold & Blue which is St. Mary's University's official school publication.
Higher Education | Organizational Communication
St. Mary’s University, School of Science, Engineering and Technology, Greehey School of Business, School of Law, Office of University Communications, Civic Engagement and Career Development Center, Barrett Memorial Bell Tower, Marianist Leadership Program, Career and Professional Development Center, St. Mary’s Athletics, Innovation Center, St. Mary’s Esports Team, Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Texas Institute of Letters, Thomas M. Mengler, Mona Mengler, Gina Farrell, Jennifer R. Lloyd, Dianne Pipes, Daniel Paniagua, Patricia Roberts, Paul S. Saenz, Charles Barrett Jr., Melissa Barrett, Refugio "Ito" Romo, Diana López, David Grenardo, Sarah Place, Jordan Woy, Kiran Bains, Leslie Alvarez, Sourav Roy, Cameron “Alex” Martinez, Alejandra Zertuche, Catherine Stone, Meredith Chacon, Elma Salinas Ender, Tim Palomera, David Reilly, Ronit Sherwin, Servant leadership, community service, esports, cybersecurity, Catholic education, academic excellence, diversity and inclusion, mentorship, public service, law education, student-athletes, mental health, career development, peer ministry, Catholic mission, business leadership, international relations, legal aid, mosquito genome research, supported decision-making, military leadership, community impact, Girl Scouts, children’s literature, sports law, social justice, entrepreneurship, forensic science.
Gold and Blue
30 Pages
San Antonio
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.