Journal Title

Texas Tech Law Review





First Page


Document Type

Response or Comment

Publication Information



The United States and Mexico share water in many aquifers along the border. Although significant attention has been given to international surface water, little to no policy has been generated regarding shared groundwater. Groundwater is a resource of growing importance because surface water resources are quickly being depleted.

While there are almost no international agreements for groundwater, guidance documents suggest what should be included. Increased dependence on groundwater by both sides of the border creates the potential for conflict because the only legal framework for water allocation involves surface water. The US and Mexico must shift from passive to active policy decision-making. Once this shift in thinking occurs, regional groundwater agreements can be created using a community-based approach to protect the survival of affected communities. Agreements must include cooperation, data sharing, equitable utilization, the interrelationship of groundwater and surface water, and enforcement mechanisms.

Included in

Law Commons



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