Journal Title

Melbourne University Law Review





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Book Review

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The best primer for constructing a legal framework surrounding bioterrorism is a wonderfully researched and incisive book by Professor Victoria Sutton. Sutton brings a vast background of experience and expertise to her book, titled Law and Bioterrorism, which is in fact the first legal textbook in the field of law and bioterrorism.

The book begins with a brief examination of the history of law and bioterrorism, from ancient biological warfare to modern times. Drawing upon the lessons of this history, Sutton discusses historical events such as the use of anthrax in World War I, and further examines the rapidly growing concern over the use of biological weapons which led to the 1925 Geneva Convention.

Further, Sutton’s work is a great resource for counter-terrorism efforts, as most of her work centers on the necessity of dealing with legal issues that arise as a result of a bioterrorist attack. Law and Bioterrorism is without question a must-have textbook for anyone teaching or studying in this critical area of the law.

Whether in terms of the history of bioterrorism or laws and policy matters associated with bioterrorism, Sutton performs admirably. She has successfully created a valuable tool to aid the international dialogue in assessing the threat of a bioterrorist attack, and, as such, Law and Bioterrorism should be compulsory reading for any academic course in this area.

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Law Commons



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