


Chen, Qiuying (Kitty); Davila, Linda

Semester completed

Spring 2024

Summary of Interview

In her interview, Linda explained her role in COPS/Metro and shared her optimistic point of view on racial dynamics in San Antonio and COPS/Metro. She also shared examples of COPS/Metro expanding its membership beyond the West Side and increasing diversity within its organization. However, she claims more work must be done regarding immigration rights. Lastly, Linda shared memorable experiences from her work with COPS/Metro, including collaborating with Texas State Representatives on immigration legislation and city officials on affordable housing bonds.

Interviewee Biography

Linda Davila has been a leader of the St. Timothy Parish in San Antonio and a member institution of COPS/Metro since 2013. Linda is also on the pastoral council at St. Timothy’s and has been actively working to solve immigration issues within her community. She also attends listening sessions at St. Timothy’s regularly where parishioners share their personal experiences to shape COPS/Metro actions.

Interview Index

0:35 Roles in COPS/Metro and reasons for joining

5:08 Inspiration for joining COPS/Metro

1:35 Demographic change within COPS/Metro

2:44 Racial Climate in San Antonio

3:51 Change with other minority groups

4:35 Inclusion of diverse voices and perspectives

5:37 Partnership with other minority groups and organizations

6:38 Initiative and campaign impact on racial dynamics

7:43 Relationship with other ethnic groups

9:13 Envision of the future for COPS/Metro

10:15 Memorable experience and lessons learned

LCSH Subject Headings

Social justice; Oral history

Length of Interview

11 pages; 13 mins, 39 secs of audio



Document Type

