


Dieckow, Kensley; Gore, Lizzy

Semester completed

Spring 2024

Summary of Interview

In the oral history interview of Lizzie Gore, she shares her motivations behind pursuing a career in social justice and personal journey joining the COPS organization. She reflects on the challenges she faced going to community organizing from an education background. Lizzy shares a proudest moment involving the Cassiano Homes Project, where a struggling community, with COPS' support, successfully advocated for city funding to improve housing conditions. Looking to the future, Lizzy sees COPS evolving to meet the changing institutional landscape in San Antonio.

Interviewee Biography

Lizzy Gore is the Documentarian and Media Organizer for COPS / Metro (Communities Organized for Public Services), and previously worked as an Organizer for COPS / Metro. Prior to moving to San Antonio and joining the organization, she was a public school teacher in California for eight years. She was first exposed to community organizing through the IAF (Industrial Areas Foundation), while attending college in Chicago.

Interview Index

00:26 Background and Motivation for Joining COPS

03:00 Challenges and Growth

06:06 Proudest Moments and Community Impact

09:11 Future Vision for COPS

LCSH Subject Headings

Social justice; Oral history

Length of Interview

8 pages; 13 mins, 8 secs of audio



Document Type

