


Dieckow, Kensley; Sister Gabriella Lohan

Semester completed

Spring 2024

Summary of Interview

In the oral history interview of Sr. Gabriella Lohan, she discusses San Antonio’s social and political history, as well as the role COPS / Metro Alliance has played in reaching marginalized communities across the city. Over time, COPS / Metro has adapted to new issues like education and fair banking, reflecting changing community needs while staying true to its core mission of empowering citizens and promoting democracy. Throughout the interview, Sr. Lohan explored the role her faith has played throughout her life’s work in social justice.

Interviewee Biography

Sister Gabriella Lohan, a Holy Spirit Sister originally from Ireland, has been a member of COPS/Metro Alliance (Communities Organized for Public Service) since its merger in 1990. Sister Lohan came to Texas at just 19 years old where she went on to get her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and principal certification. Prior to joining COPS / Metro, she served as the principal of Little Flower School for 21 years. Sister Lohan has long advocated for equitable education opportunities and currently chairs the board for Project QUEST.

Interview Index

00:35 Background and Project Quest

06:21 The Catholic Church and Social Justice

11:32 Personal and Local Impact

17:22 COPS Mission

20:54 Proudest Moments

LCSH Subject Headings

Social justice; Oral history

Length of Interview

9 pages; 23 mins, 22 secs of audio



Document Type

