Journal Title

Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review





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Publication Information



Law is an invitation to fuller life, more than a mere instrument of force, coercion, and death, which is imprinted within each person and which animates the ideas of our constitutions and statutes. Our laws should seek to reflect and be unified with God’s Law, and the process towards that end requires disclosure and trust, which, in turn, requires clarity of one’s whole person, which is achieved through prayerfulness.

Much of academia and society only recognizes the evil present in our law and society; however, where there is evil or negativity, goodness and that which is positive must have preceded it. Affirming that God’s law is a promise that we must restore our laws’ orientation towards. Law’s process is as follows: God speaks first, we respond, and then we endlessly translate and seek to conform our laws to those of God, drawing on love.

Recommended Citation

Emily Fowler Hartigan, The Power of Language Beyond Words: Law as Invitation, 26 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 67 (1991).

Included in

Law Commons



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